A few previously unanswered questions
1. Will you ever make a comic with Sonichu and friends going back in time?
Like for instance,the medival period,a favorite of mine.I would love to see him in plate armor and wielding a sword against a true medivel overlord,or sultan,whatever it be,along with the Chaotic Combo. Or maybe do a surrealist episode, with them rocking out in the Cretaceous.
Such the story has been chronicled, personally, as Sonichus, Rosechus, humans, ponies from Equestria, as well as Dr. Wolf, and various others had gone back in time to late February, 2006 during the events of Chaos Crystal Control.
On another similar detail, both Magi-Chan Sonichu and Angelica Rosechu have gone back in time to the days of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, on one hand for Angelica to personally get details of the events from me as I was back then. And on the other, on a separate occasion before that, as Magi-Chan foreknew of himself, to have his own literal first resurrection. Long story short: he had gone on his own journey after Jesus was crucified, was shot in the head with an arrow, his body relocated to a temple in China, his body healed with the arrow fully dislodged from his head and his brain fully mended and restored as normal, and he came back to life. He has resurrected himself a couple more time since after having returned to the present day as it was on August 31, 1951; this was after he had gained a great mastery in his Psychic training and practice since having been born a few years prior.
2. On the Cwcipedia pages for Rosey and Sonee, you said that they evolve at a high friendship, or happiness level, however, your character, Sandy Rosechu evolved after only one week! This must mean that she is happier than Robbie, Cerah, and Christine. Are Sonichu and Rosechu bad parents? Their kids are clearly very unhappy, or else they would have evolved by now!
You were mistaken, as regardless of happiness level, a Sonee or Rosey has varying timing, respectively, before they evolve into a Sonichu or Rosechu. As for Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime, they are very loving parents, and they have done a very good job caring about and raising Roberta Sonichu, Cera Rosechu and Christine Rosechu. Between them, Sandy Rosechu and even Donnie Sonichu, they each also had to find their respective purposes and self-happiness in order to evolve.
In Sandy's case, it was in her skill level of construction, digging work and physical endurance that made her realize quickly that was among the top of her skill sets. With Donnie, Bubbles taught him how to swim and encouraged him to help in keeping the waters clean. And Blake had taught him how to defend himself in combat. It was with his skill sets of surfing, cleaning up and helping others that he evolved into a Sonichu. With Cera, she stood up for Robbie at school against a bully; that tough grit was the key moment that saw her evolve. Christine was finding her compassion in the arts and creativity, as it showed when she was in the Christmas Play, that allowed her to evolve. And when Robbie realized how empathetic and caring he was to the point he realized he identified more as female than male allowed her to evolve and become Roberta Sonichu.
Happiness and Self-Realization makes for the evolution of some Pokemon and everyone, in general.
3. Chris, exactly how strong would you say the average Sonichu or Rosechu is? I'm only asking because recently, one of them was not only fainted, but killed by an attack from a Voltorb. Voltorbs have a very low physical attack power, about equal to Luvdisc, a very feeble pokemon. Even a powerful move like Explosion wouldn't be very powerful against your average fully evolved Pokemon. Using Raichu as an example, the average explosion from a Voltorb of equal level to a Raichu would leave a Raichu alive with energy to spare, and certainly not faint it, much less kill it.
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime are the strongest among those that would be classified as a regular Sonichu or Rosechu, and on top of that the Chaos Emerald energies in the two of them makes them both Specials like Magi-Chan, Bubbles, Angelica, etcetera.
The regular Sonichu or Rosechu have varying stats like any other Pokemon, but they are not weak. The drawing I had made years ago of the average stats of a Sonee, Sonichu and Metonic still apply. Consider similar of the Sonichu upon a Rosechu.
In Simonla's case at the event of the Voltorb surprise attack, that was a surprise upon her; she was not prepared to defend herself. But due to her being a Special and having simitanium (which is like Wolverine's adamantium) in her bones and genes, she recovered quickly enough from the explosion. She did not die, she was hospitalized. Simonla is not weak, she is strong in strength and defense.
4. Why did you not just focus on your comic?
I was consciously naive and had some ADD, OCD and tunnel vision. In reference to and on top of my innate mediations, my brain was still a work in progress with a cacophony of many details, and what was right in front of me and happening took a lot of attention from me.
5. At what point do you consider that you, not everyone else, are the problem?
-When do you realize that most people get upset with your actions and your words?
-Do you know your faults, or do you believe you don't have any?
-Do you believe you are truly better than other autistic people while crying that people need to be patient with you because of your autism?
In regards to the online fame or infamy, yes I do realize and have accepted that a certain extent of the damage and chaos that had come upon myself on this Earth Halv was, in fact, my fault and bad in sharing too much conscious honesty during those respective years in pertanance to what had been present then. I was simply still soul searching, exploring and remaining in observation and testing of others in mind ser up till about 2011 or 2014, and I did not like to lie, so honest and benefitting of the doubt I was. I know my faults; I am certainly not a Mary Sue, and that case was the same of me in Isreal over 2000 years ago. Yet, even if I had not divulged so many truth bombs in honesty, and in counter in late 2007 and early 2008, the results in massively being chronicled and famous woud still have transpired anyway, as had my followers started following me in my past life as well. I know I am better than some to most autistic people, not all of them, and I still have room for self-improvement.