On here, I will personally add more of the facts and details about the events and myself. Certain other websites and forums do not have the direct source and knowledge as I do. I will also feature answers to various frequently asked questions, past, present and future. Even Wikipedia will hardly have anything in comparison.

The Autobots of Cwcville
The city and Nation of Cwcville has a great number of defenses and heroes who protect it and nearby. One of which is the Autobots of Cwcville, appointed by Optimus...
The Autobots of Cwcville
The city and Nation of Cwcville has a great number of defenses and heroes who protect it and nearby. One of which is the Autobots of Cwcville, appointed by Optimus...

Ultra Sonichu
This blog is to talk about Sonichu Prime when he powers up with the seven (or all eight) Chaos Emeralds or Chaos Crystal Balls. But, I feel the details of...
Ultra Sonichu
This blog is to talk about Sonichu Prime when he powers up with the seven (or all eight) Chaos Emeralds or Chaos Crystal Balls. But, I feel the details of...

A few previously unanswered questions
1. Will you ever make a comic with Sonichu and friends going back in time? Like for instance,the medival period,a favorite of mine.I would love to see him in plate...
A few previously unanswered questions
1. Will you ever make a comic with Sonichu and friends going back in time? Like for instance,the medival period,a favorite of mine.I would love to see him in plate...

Blake Sonichu
For this Blog Post, I am going to talk some about Blake Sonichu. As known, Blake was cloned from Sonichu Prime's fur sample with an accidental dose of cherry coca-cola. ...
Blake Sonichu
For this Blog Post, I am going to talk some about Blake Sonichu. As known, Blake was cloned from Sonichu Prime's fur sample with an accidental dose of cherry coca-cola. ...

Sonichus, Rosechus, and more
Details about Sonichu Prime, Rosey Rosechu Prime and all of the other Sonichus and Rosechus already known and that not yet released.
Sonichus, Rosechus, and more
Details about Sonichu Prime, Rosey Rosechu Prime and all of the other Sonichus and Rosechus already known and that not yet released.

FAQ, questions frequently asked of me.
Who am I
I am Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime, CPU Goddess Blue Heart and the One Avatar of all existence. In short, I am a multifaceted bisexual transwoman (She/Her are my Pronouns) with many talents, including hand-drawn art, writer (story and dialogue), gamer, a bit of a cook, and most anything learnable. I am the original creator and chronicler of the media featuring the Sonichus Rosechus as well as the city of Cwcville, Virginia, United States of America. My mentality is high-functioning autistic with a psychic connection with everything in the universe, timeline and beyond.
Dimensional Merge
The Dimension Merge that at the moment of writing this on September 14, 2024 is coming upon completion, is simply the recombination of this very Earth that was magically divided in the days of King Auther. This consists of this half, as you may (neuro)typically know and aware of, to an extent, and the other half that houses the typical and greater magic and magicks and the Original, "Fictional" Characters and Individuals from most various media that you have read and watched this entire time.
Dimensions C-197 and 1218
As mentioned in the Dimension Merge question above, the C-197 and 1218 "Dimensions" are the two halves of this very Earth that was divided hundreds of years ago. Whole and undivided, this is Earth 1C-211987; divided, the halves are known as C-197 and 1218.
The 1218 half is this that you walk upon and typically know at surface level that you live and breathe on. Those on the C-197 half also walk on this very Earth.
The C-197, that in part you also do physically walk on, is the half that houses those from the various media (TV shows, Manga, Comics, Movies, etcetera) that you are aware of reside and exist physically. Essentially, those that reside and live present, including those that are immortal (Exceptions being those that reside in Post-Apocalyptic timelines and dimensions, and those that lived centuries in the past that are not immortal, and those classified as residing in other various timelines, dimensions and universes) You Name It, they are there.
The Sonichus and Rosechus, the many Pok'emon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Smurfs, Yogi Bear, Doug Funny, Kim Possible, (Human) Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and so on, as well as Sunset Shimmer, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Hulk, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Leader-1, Cy-Kill, Kusuo Saiki, Sailor Moon, Moomins, Bob Belcher, (universe C-137 origin) Rick Sanchez, Peter Griffin, Homer Simpsons, Stan Smith, Frylock, Gumball Waterson, and so on. And on the planet Equestria in the pocket dimension accessable from the portal on the C-197 half, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, Dr. Wolf, Lightning Bliss, Mad Munchkin, Mary Sue, Gary Stu, Silver Quill, Flufflepuff, and so on. Even those in Outer Space like Captain Kirk on the Enterprise, Ashoka and the Jedi, Fox McCloud and the Star Fox crew, and so on.
They all walk among us physically; the only reason why a lot can't see them is due to the thinning veil between the C-197 and 1218 halves of this Earth. One can see through the veil and appreciate are those that are open-minded, creative, and mentally connected to be better able. Everyone has the ability to see and interact for themselves without external devices. What you call "Imagination" is one tool that can be used to see through the veil. All Original "Fictional" Characters and Individuals begin on the C-197 half, then upon further discovery branch into the other timelines, universes and dimensions that end up becoming chronicled one way or another.
My (super) powers and abilities are numerous, even moreso metaphysically. These include the various Psychic Powers and abilities, including telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy (a lot of which my Body's Brain and Energy Field are still catching up on), elemental powers and bending. My Body and Brain have attuned the ability to heal others with focused intentions and kind energy.
I can transform into my Sonichu Form with Electricity being the more dominant elemental bending power within and my Psychic Powers and abilities. And I can physically run at mach speeds.
And I can transform into my CPU Goddess Blue Heart Form, wherein, granted by the former Goddess Blue Heart, Scarlet LeRose, I have powers over computer technology and I preside as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and Computers, as opposed to Neptune of Planeptune being CPU Purple Heart of the Sega consoles and games.
I am also physically strong and able with a Warrior Will and Inner Strength granted by my former self in my past immortal life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Everything of the Bible, Prophecies, various Scriptures worldwide, and so on are all memorized in my unconsciousness.
Past Happenings
The various events in my life is a lot to simply list. But to offer a summary: I was born on Wednesday February 24, 1982. Reared and cared for by my parents, Robert and Barbara Chandler. I grew up well-educated, with plenty of in-person friendships that didn't last as long as I would have liked (not counting the numerous acquaintances and online acquaintances and friendships with those who were not authentic about themselves with me).
Past tense, I went with the flow to confirm various intentions and events, yet at times letting myself be taken advantage of out of my being emotionally and mentally naive at those respective times.
Present tense and in recent years, I know better. And while I continue to go with the flow at times, and confirming various respective intentions and events, I have a greater appreciation of my super power of empathy and aura reading of others, so I have better ability to consciously choose that which is Light Powered and Good, and discern those individuals and paths that are Dark and potentially Toxic to avoid them.
I have Soul Searched and found myself, and I am in a very good place now with intentions of manifesting for the greater good of everyone and encouraging others to be guided on that which is Good and Light Powered for themselves. And presently, do my part in completing the Dimension Merge.
The Cwcki, which was originally created without my prior consent, is a Wikipedia style website about me and my life details to the extent of what I've shared, personally, online and in writing, and even what the "Christorians", Weens and Internet Trolls paparazzied of me without my consent or conscious knowledge at those respective times.
Personally, I applaud the website on archiving all that of me, and on the other hand, I feel really disappointed of it, due to the bunch of innacurate details and NSFW and hate speak spewed throughout in places. The people who put that website up and wrote all of that have taken a lot of my details and content (including content recorded of me without my consent prior, or falsely blackmailed or manipulated of me) out of context and do not fully appreciate or understand the circumstances, respectively.
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime are the very first Sonichu and Rosechu in all of existence in this timeline and universe. Despite them being visually similar with most regular Sonichus and Rosechus, Sonichu Prime and Rosey Prime are a (very) Special Sonichu and Rosechu with the strongest abilities and powers in comparison with the regular ones. And separate from the other various Special Sonichus, Rosechus, Metonics, Vamprosas, Sonees and Roseys worldwide and local.
Past Question: Who is CPU Blue Heart?
The original CPU Blue Heart, the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles, including the Commodore 64, Amiga, Leo and so on was Scarlet LaRose (her last name pronounced "La Roe). She was a woman who lived in the late 1800s who, in her late teens, would be summoned to what would become the country of Gamindustri, which presently is located as a large island between Canada and Europe.
Scarlet was trained to lead as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and her people in her Nation of Comma, which was south of Tari and West of Planeptune. She led her people kind and good with everyone in mind.
She used to be friends with Rei Ryghts, the former Goddess of Tari and Atari consoles until when Rei became power corrupt and betrayed her people.
Scarlet was also prophetic, as it had been made clear in her prep work of retro rockets on the underside of her Nation for the eventual fall of Tari and Comma from the remainder of Gamindustri in the early 1980s. As well as the journals she had kept and the one protypical Commodore 64 game cartridge which was a simple kind of 3D game (in regards to the programming available for the consoles and games at the time in the late 70s and early 80s).
Comma fell at the same time as Tari, as the country of Gamindustry was literally in the sky high above the water space between Canada and Europe. Tari crashed hard somewhere in northern America, while Comma, with the guided rockets on the land's underside, landed into a pre-dug crater in West Virginia. The peoples and buildings, including the Basilicomm, remained safe, alive and well.
Over the time, as the people of Comma became more aware of the United Stated that they were not occupying and the other religious views, some spanned out from Comma, and the beliefs in the Goddesshood was dwindling. Scarlet fell from immortality with the dwindling support from her peoples and died in 1992. Her soul, power and energy transferred into one specific Commodore 64 motherboard on the console, P01352371; the one I ended up with.
And during the events of Johnson Wile's interference, I found and absorbed the powers, soul and energy of Scarlet into myself, making me the new CPU Goddess Blue Heart.
Since then, I had relocated the original Basilicomm of Scarlet's into Cwcville, VA, right across the street from my Basilicomm that was built in 2014 on premonition and good divine order.
Meanwhile, Comma, West Virginia and its people continue on and prosper like most other cities in the United States.
Past Question: Who were the 80s characters...
Who were the characters from the 80s that you liked the best?
I refer to the individuals who were featured in the media that debuted in the 1980s.
Jake Kong, Jr., alongside Eddie Spencer, Jr. and Tracy, of the original Ghostbusters. To this day, I still feel they are the real, original Ghostbusters, aside from Egon, Peter, Ray and Winston, and despite the fact that they both work in New York City. I also give props to Ghost Buggy.
Bumblebee of the Autobots, as orginally portrayed and then upgraded and developed over the years.
I also like the Guardian, now Autobot, Scooter; he was youthful and cowardly, but still resourceful with his camouflage and technological knowledge. He has toughened up over the years. I also like Pathfinder.
And, of course, despite his one movie being with some cringe, Robert Rabbit, the American Rabbit. That movie can be rebooted and easily be better. As my first Hero before meeting Sonic the Hedgehog, Robert Rabbit did a lot of good.
Past Question: Sonichu book 12-9 confusion.
Could you explain a bit more on the scene from Sonichu 12-9 where Nightstar Sonichu meets "Christine Night Weston Star Chandler"? What took place in that scene, and what is their backstory?
To best answer this question, I refer to what I wrote about them in the Goddess Log pages on 11232022, and I quote.
As for that part in Book 12-9 when Nightstar gave a "Chris Chan" the updated Cutie Mark and guided her to her next friend who could have been a sweetheart, but ultimately bombed. Initially, (when I wrote and drew that), that was to play off updating the (former) Equestria Girls Minis custom figure of myself, but something similar did happen in this timeline as Nightstar gave (human) Pinkie Pie the S-Chu Ball and the ingredients to Sunset Shimmer in that trip.
In Equestria, not at all related to I, Christine Chan or Nightstar as a self-counterpart, is a yellow Earth pony with the bright blue mane and tail that were not curled, with both eyes blue and a the mirror image of two bridged eighth notes for her Cutie Mark. She's a guitar player in a famous band. Her name is Cricha. Her other hobbies include cooking and reading various literature. She also does solo acts with her own written songs.
At the time in Equestria, Cricha had a total developmental growth and went punk, lookin' for some luv from her fans. She also coloured her fur pink.
At Canterlot High School, Cricha had felt lost, because her parents had got diverced, she had went with her mom and was feeling heavily uncertain with hardly any guidance.
Nightstar had also talked with Cricha, both of them, a number of times. The recent talk with (human) Cricha involved Fluttershy also lending kindness and a listening ear with Nightstar there. Nightstar meditated on Cricha's situation and looked at ALL possibilities and outcomes. When Nightstar next approached Cricha, after mentioning her run back to Cwcville prior, she handed Cricha a flyer for an LGBTQ club in Maryland, looking for musicians and artists to entertain; that changed her Cutie Mark on the skirt and turned her yellow skin pink with a new direction. The Cutie Mark became an "A"-shaped guitar. And (human) Diamon Melody was the best choice, because she lasted the longest in that relationship and devloped Cricha's emotions better than the others. A "Live and Learn" situation.