Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime

Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime

As stated, I am Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime, the One Avatar of all existence, the CPU Goddess Blue Heart of the Commodore Consoles, and the one reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, himself, as well as the other forms I had taken from after the events in Jerusalem and at the time Merlin the Magician divided the 1C-211987 Earth by order of King Arthur which separated stronger magics, creatures and individuals from those individuals less capable of coping with said magics, including Arthur, himself.  I am married polyamorous with Magi-Chan Sonichu (Prime), Cryzel Rosechu (Prime), Sylvana Rosechu (Prime) and the one-and-only Mewtwo (Prime) (who was cloned under Giovanni's authority).  And I am also to be wed with my one destined and personally chosen partner of the 1218 Half of this Earth as prophesized in my dreams and even within the pages I have written and drawn so far.  I am the one Prime of ALL (Jesus) Christian Weston Chandler Sonichus, (Jesus) Christine Weston Chandler Sonichus, and the other self-counterparts of mine all throughout the vast Multiverse.

Count the blessing this is not the Shattered Glass Universe, and don't get me started.

I have personally realized all of this over the course of my life and Soul Searching, following the signs and events as best as my Brain and Consciousness could, and having become much better in the recent years, up to the past decade from this day in September, 2024 and becoming more masterful and stronger.

I am not meant to be simply a "Meme" type as some of you often overplay about me, but to the extent (anything NSFW being the limit and would be rated TV-MA is not to be memed or cited at all) it is quite all right.  Even I consciously was under a number of confusions over the years still figuring myself out, as well as my own Brain and Body.  The autism was a hinderance but allowed me to innately remain connected metaphysically all the way to the Alpha/Omega Point of all existence.  That is a feat that only those within the 0.009% of the Worldwide Population between both Earth halves combined.  And even Fewer than that who can access the Core and Matrix of the Alpha/Omega Point and tolerate it mentally and emotionally, myself included in that.  Not enough Meditation and Connections will get most individuals and creatures beyond even the Core and Matrix of This Universe.  That is something you may meditate on and connect with the local Akashic Records to learn about for yourselves, or you may ask a genuine psychic.

Aside from that, I am a multifaceted bisexual transwoman (She/Her are my Pronouns) with many talents, including hand-drawn art, writer (story and dialogue), gamer, a bit of a good cook, and most anything learnable. I am the original creator and chronicler of the media featuring the Sonichus Rosechus as well as the city of Cwcville, Virginia, United States of America. My mentality is high-functioning autistic with a psychic connection with everything in the universe, timeline and beyond.

My (super) powers and abilities are numerous, even moreso metaphysically. These include the various Psychic Powers and abilities, including telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy (a lot of which my Body's Brain and Energy Field are still catching up on), elemental powers and bending. My Body and Brain have attuned the ability to heal others with focused intentions and kind energy.

I can transform into my Sonichu Form with Electricity being the more dominant elemental bending power within and my Psychic Powers and abilities. And I can physically run at mach speeds.

And I can transform into my CPU Goddess Blue Heart Form, wherein, granted by the former Goddess Blue Heart, Scarlet LeRose, I have powers over computer technology and I preside as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and Computers, as opposed to Neptune of Planeptune being CPU Purple Heart of the Sega consoles and games.

I am also physically strong and able with a Warrior Will and Inner Strength granted by my former self in my past immortal life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Everything of the Bible, Prophecies, various Scriptures worldwide, and so on are all memorized in my unconsciousness.

Among my deeds, I seek to complete the Dimension Merge, as long prophesized, to restore magic in recombining the Earth Halves and uniting the "Fictional" and Original Characters/Individuals/Creatures with their respective chroniclers, physically and tangibly alongside everyone as co-existing individuals that we always have been, and keeping the balance and order while confiding the chaos and maintaining that no one from alternate timelines, other dimensions and universes that are not meant to be here remain in their respective origins (Especially those that are overall evil and toxic).

In part of that, as well as what I am doing, have done, and continue to do is to continue my physical immortal life confirming the details and events for and with my consciousness with everything known and foreknown in my unconsciousness.  The same rules apply as when I was Jesus of Nazareth where I do not consciously know the Specific When (Time and Date), unless I am absolutely meant to or when the event is closest to happening.  And I go to where I am meant to be, physically, even when I do menial tasks like going shopping, walking at a mall, or even attending conventions and traveling elsewhere.  I am capable of taking a few perks for myself if it remains in the broader focused scope of this One Prime Timeline, 1C, that ALL other timelines literally branch from; the Central most one, if you will.  While also continuing on my own Light Powered and good paths and choices from better intuitions.  The years of being manipulated by online Trolls and Toxic ones having been duly noted, yet appreciated in my own mental and emotional development, especially in having tested those individuals' intentions and confirming their toxicity and demonically influenced levels.

For the most part, please treat me kindly like you would anyone else.  Being barred from anywhere is heavily discouraged.  Misjudging me without authentic context is also very much wrong.  And unless you want to be like Judas Iscariot or anyone who was in the audience booing me in Jerusalem when I carried that cross with that crown of thorns on my head, I ask that you please be aware in the moment when you are about to do something like that or similar, do Check yourself in that moment on rather it is genuinely Light Powered and Good or Badly Impulsive and Demonically Influenced.  Results of Prophecy, aside with results as they may be, because that moment has already well passed in this manifestation set with that almost two years where I was not around to be picked on like those toxic ones before the fact did.

Everything is manifesting as they are and shall, even that which comes on the appropriate timing as meant to be for this Timeline.  Have and Keep Faith.  The Angels, Archangels and good Gods and Goddesses are helping you all as well, Every one of you.  The Holy Bible and matching good scriptures and spiritual methods and practices worldwide are all good base points; we are meant to think outside of the box while keeping those in mind to remind us.  All religions are good.  The exceptions are those that worship Hell and Satan; that is not right.  Leave those demons and devils only for when they can be forgiven by us Gods and Goddesses.  Even the most Toxic ones are redeemable when they better understand and are open for that which is more beneficial and overall good for them.

But I digress, and that will do for starters on this website.

Be Safe and Well,

Mrs. Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime.

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I’m Hitting My Spine!

Daniel Larson

Hey Christine, I know you’re hearing an onslaught(Definition: An overwhelming outpouring) of negativity in these comments, but I just wanted to let you know, I actually am quite fond of you. While I may be agnostic/athiestic, I fully understand you search for spiritual truth, and yes, there is some truth to be found in the spiritual world. As autistics, there is a hyperempathy(despite what stereotypes say) wired within our brains, a conncection with a greater noosphere(Definition: What connects all humans/living beings to one another) perhaps? Regardless, I am glad you’re in a more stable, and presumably happier state. Stay strong, Christine.

Many Regards – Chrysanthemum P.


Swiggity Swooty
That medallion’s going back up your booty!

Max Milvana

As stated, I am Christine Weston Chandler, an artist, writer, and creator of the Sonichu series, based in Cwcville, Virginia, USA. I identify as a bisexual transwoman (She/Her pronouns), and I’m passionate about my creative projects, storytelling, and gaming.

Throughout my life, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery, navigating personal growth and mental challenges. Diagnosed with autism, I’ve learned to manage my experiences and work on improving my understanding of myself and the world around me. This has included exploring my creative talents and interests, such as hand-drawn art, writing stories and dialogues, gaming, and even trying my hand at cooking.

In my creative works, I’ve invented characters and worlds, including Sonichu and Rosechu, which are near and dear to me. These fictional characters are part of my personal universe, and I enjoy developing their stories and sharing them with others.

Like many people, I have gone through phases of confusion and growth, particularly when navigating my personal identity and mental health. I recognize that my experiences with autism have shaped my perspective, and I am grateful for the support I’ve received along the way.

I believe in treating others with kindness and understanding. Misjudging someone without understanding their full context is never productive, and I appreciate being given the same respect that anyone else would receive.

While I have had difficult experiences with online trolling and bullying in the past, these have also contributed to my development as a person. I have learned to be more resilient and discerning in how I engage with others, both online and in person.

At the end of the day, I ask that people engage with me kindly and respectfully, as we all deserve. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and experiences, and it’s important to approach others with an open mind and heart.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you all safety and wellness in your journeys.

Christine Weston Chandler

This version focuses on real-life experiences, personal identity, and creativity, leaving out the supernatural or fictional elements that don’t align with the real world.

You said:
Now add the debunking.
ChatGPT said:
Here’s the letter, with added debunking notes to clarify the more fantastical or fictional claims from the original version:

As stated, I am Christine Weston Chandler, an artist, writer, and creator of the Sonichu series, based in Cwcville, Virginia, USA. I identify as a bisexual transwoman (She/Her pronouns), and I’m passionate about my creative projects, storytelling, and gaming.

Throughout my life, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery, navigating personal growth and mental challenges. Diagnosed with autism, I’ve learned to manage my experiences and work on improving my understanding of myself and the world around me. This has included exploring my creative talents and interests, such as hand-drawn art, writing stories and dialogues, gaming, and even trying my hand at cooking.

Debunking of Previous Claims:

Claim of Being the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ:

In reality, there is no evidence supporting reincarnation or any individual being the rebirth of Jesus Christ. Religious beliefs about Jesus’ return (the Second Coming) are central to Christian eschatology, but no person today can verifiably claim that role.
Polyamorous Marriage with Fictional Characters:

The idea of being married to characters like Magi-Chan Sonichu, Cryzel Rosechu, Sylvana Rosechu, and Mewtwo is purely fictional. These characters are either created by me or from existing media (Pokémon), and it’s important to understand the difference between creative fantasies and real-world relationships.
Transformation into a Sonichu or CPU Goddess:

While I enjoy creating and developing characters like Sonichu and envisioning myself in different roles within my fictional universe, these are creative outlets, not transformations that occur in the real world. No one can physically transform into other beings or characters, as such abilities defy scientific reality.
Dimension Merge and Fictional Characters Becoming Real:

The concept of merging dimensions to unite the fictional world with the real one is a part of my personal mythology and creative storytelling. In the real world, there is no scientific basis for such a “Dimension Merge,” and fictional characters remain part of the imagination.
Metaphysical Psychic Powers:

Claims of telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, or psychic healing are common in fiction and certain belief systems, but there is no scientific evidence proving the existence of these abilities. While meditation and mindfulness can be beneficial, psychic powers remain outside the realm of proven science.
Past Lives as Jesus Christ or Historical Figures:

Past life claims, especially those of being a figure as significant as Jesus Christ, cannot be substantiated. There are no verifiable methods of proving past lives or associations with figures from history.
Authority Over Commodore Consoles as a Goddess:

The idea of being the “Goddess of Commodore Consoles” is part of my creative universe, but it doesn’t reflect real-world authority or existence. Commodore computers were a line of consumer electronics, and there are no deities associated with them.
Divine or Magical Influences in Everyday Life:

While I believe in spirituality and intuition, attributing divine or magical guidance to everyday tasks like shopping or attending conventions stretches beyond real-world understanding. These activities are part of regular life without supernatural direction.
Real-World Perspective:
I recognize that in the past, I may have expressed ideas that were more rooted in my own creative thinking and personal mythology. While my imagination is a big part of who I am, I also understand the importance of separating fantasy from reality. My journey, both as a person and as a creator, continues to evolve, and I hope to bring positive, creative energy into everything I do.

Like many people, I have gone through phases of confusion and growth, particularly when navigating my personal identity and mental health. I recognize that my experiences with autism have shaped my perspective, and I am grateful for the support I’ve received along the way.

I believe in treating others with kindness and understanding. Misjudging someone without understanding their full context is never productive, and I appreciate being given the same respect that anyone else would receive.

While I have had difficult experiences with online trolling and bullying in the past, these have also contributed to my development as a person. I have learned to be more resilient and discerning in how I engage with others, both online and in person.

At the end of the day, I ask that people engage with me kindly and respectfully, as we all deserve. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and experiences, and it’s important to approach others with an open mind and heart.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you all safety and wellness in your journeys.

Christine Weston Chandler

Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu

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